
7 Swedes That Shine Internationally

Swedes do not have reputations for beating their own drums of glory. Rather than seek the limelight, Swedes are generally more fascinated by their work than by any honors or laurels that may be bestowed upon them. Even though they may not care about receiving kudos, we are not hesitant about sharing their accomplishments and … Read more


The Awesomeness of Sweden

Wow. I was so lucky to get the chance to go back to Sweden in September for a Swedish wedding. I got to see my friends, the town I lived in, and experience even more Swedish culture (including hockey!). And it was heart-breaking, realizing I had to leave. Realizing the awesomeness of Sweden and what … Read more

Martin Luther

Who Do You Think You Are?

Jantelagen – The Law of Jante In Sweden we refer to the American people as the world’s “big brothers”, to the British as their “little brothers” and our selves as their “envious little siblings”, never tall enough, with an ironic twist. The Swedes are known to be a bit shy and cold but very polite, … Read more